I have made a google docs spreadsheet of these, and that link is accessible here for a more convenient format. This is not an exhaustive list, but should help with test crunch
Command | Description |
Enable-NetFirewallRule | enables a disabled firewall rule |
Get-NetFirewallProfile | retrieve information that is presented on the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Properties MMC Console, with the tabs for Domain, Private and Public profiles. |
Get-NetFirewallSetting | retrieve global firewall settings. Does not matter what profile is in use. |
Set-NetFirewallInterfaceFilter | modifies interfaces attached to firewall rules |
Get-NetFirewallRule | gets firewall rules from a computer. -policystore and grab all rules applied |
Disable-NetFirewallRule | Disables an existing firewall rule, you can use -displayname to specifiy the rule |
Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter | gets the filtered ip addresses assigned to firewall rules |
Remove-NetFirewallRule | deletes one or more firewall rules from policy store |
Set-NetFirewallAddressFilter | changes the local or remote ip address filters assigned to a rule |
Copy-NetFirewallRule | copy a firewall rule as well as any associated filters to a policy store. This will make copy of all firewall to the new policy store. |
New-NetFirewallRule | creates a firewall rule that can be inbound or outbond |
Set-NetFirewallRule | changes the existing firewall rule |
Set-NetFirewallSetting | changes properties that apply to firewall and is not dependent on profile, it is a global setting |
Show-NetFirewallRule | displays firewall rules in a policy store |
Rename-NetFirewallRule | Renames a firewall rule |
Set-NetFirewallProfile | change profile level settings like enabling/disabling profile or changing logging for profiles including domain, public, private, and global |
New-VHD | Creates a New VHD in Hyper-V environments |
Set-VMHost | with resourcemetering save interval parameter can specify how often data that tracks resources will be saved |
create vdisk diskpart | Creates a new virtual disk to be added to a system, it still must be initialized, partioned, formatted and assigned |
New-VirtualDisk | Used for managing virtual disk properties in the Storage Spaces Disk Pool |
Rename-VM | Used to change a VM name in Hyper-V manager |
Set-VM | changes virtual machine settings, for example memory, cpu, autostart and autostop details |
Set-VHD | manages VHD properties like physical sector size or parent VHD files |
Measure-VM | Designed for reporting resource utilization data for one or more VMs, but it must first be enable at the host level |
Rename-Item | Can be used to rename VHD's and other files |
Enable-VMResourceMetering | designed to enable resource metering for a specific VM |
Get-Counter | gets the memory from performance counters which can only get memory usage by OS or maximum amount configured, not what Hyper-V has allocated |
Get-VMMemory | shows the VM's configured memory not actaul usage |
Add disk diskpart | Creates a mirror of a simple volume |
Set-Item | Can be used to do things like add servers to a managed servers trusted host list |
Set-ItemProperty | can be used to do things like change or add registry entries to overide UAC to permit access |
Add-DNSserverResourceRecord | creates resource records inside a zone |
Add-DNSServerPrimaryZone | Creates a new primary zone, For example "GlobalNames" which can replace WINS |
Add-DNSserverForwarder | adds forwarders to forward dns queries to other zones |
Add-DNSserverResourceRecordDS | creates DNSSEC resource records inside a zone |
Disable-ADAccount | disables an ad account |
Enable-ADAccount | enables an ad account |
Set-ADAccountExpiration | sets an account expiration date |
Set-ADuser | configure properties of the account |
remove-AdUser | removes Ad user accounts |
Clear-ADAccountExpration | can set a user account to have no expiration date |
Set-AddAccountPassword | configures the password of an ad account |
Unlock-AdAccount | unlock and ad user whose account has been locked out |
Get-AdComputer | Use to get information about the computer, for example -lastlogontimestamp parameter could be used to find the last time the computer logged on to the network or did something like reboot *****This was a test question for me based on this and dsquery -o |
Get-ADGroupMember | gets ad members in a specific group |
Add-ADgroupMember | add ad members to a group |
Get-ADGroup | use to check for groups that match certain input criteria |
Set-AdComputer | changes properties of a computer object like sAMAccountName, DNSHostname and Description |
Set-ADObject | modifies Active Directory Object properties and can do things like enable the global catalog |
Set-ADDomain | changes properties of the domain such as DNS suffix, managed by or last logon replication interval |
Set-ADOrganizationalUnit | modifies the attribute properties of an OU |
new-netroute | define interface to advertise ipv6 address out of and add to routing table |
set-netipinterface | Allow the interface to advertise the IPv6 address out of the interface |
Set-NetIsatapConfiguration | Define the router and enable isatap on that router because it is disabled by default, also enables isatap on a client |
Get-NetIPAddress | get interfaces that is being used by ISATAP |
Restart-Service | Can be used to restart services like dns |
Set-AppLockerPolicy | change the properties of an existing applocker policy and can merge two policy with the -merge parameter |
Set-AppLockerFileInformation | gets applocker info from file or event logs |
Get-AppLockerPolicy | gets an existing applocker policy |
Import-GPO | imports GPOs that have been backed up into GPO |
New-GPO | Create a new GPO policy tath could include an applocker policy |
Test-AppLockerPolicy | Test whether specific files are allowed on local computer for specific user |
DSCConfigurationNameCreatedAsAFunction | call this configuraiton name with the -machinename parameter specified to to create the folder and MOF file that will be used in the DSCConfiguration |
Start-DscConfiguration | calls the MOF file that will apply the DSC configuration |
Test-DscConfiguration | will compare current standard to dsc drift |
Set-GPPermission | change the permissions of group policy objects in Active Directory |
Get-GPPermission | retrieve permissions on existing group policies |
Set-GPLink | used to link or unlink group policy objects |
Set-GPInheritance | sets an inheritance link for group policy objects |
uninstall-WindowsFeature | uninstalls a windows feature, use the remove option to delete the feature from the harddisk |
Install-WindowsFeature (Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra) | Installs the minimal server interface including Server Manager, MMC, Powershell and command line |
Install-WindowsFeature (Server-Gui-Shell) | depends on minimal interface and includes Desktop, Start Screen, Explorer, and Internet Explorer |
Install-ADDSDomain | used to install a new AD domain |
Add-ADDSReadOnlyDomainControllerAccount | It is used to create a read-only domain controller |
Install-ADDSDomainController | installs a domain controller in a new or existing domain |
Install-ADDSForest | install a new AD forest |
Add-VMNetworkAdapterACL | applies and ACL to traffic through a virtual machine network adapter |
Add-PSWAAuthorizationRule | adds an authorization rule for the powershell web access gateway, inlcuding computers, users and credentials |
Remove-PSWaAuthorizationRule | Removes a specified rule from powershell web access gateway |
Get-PswaAuthorizationRule | Gets the poweshell web access gateway rules |
test-PswaAuthorizationRule | test a rule to determine if a specific user or computer has access |
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