Saturday, November 22, 2014

Collection of Maps for Better understanding 1 Kings 17-19

In the process of prepping for a Sunday School lesson at Theophilus Bible Church I put together the following list of links to useful maps for helping gain a better understanding of the historical Context around 1st Kings.

Here is a Google Earth image of the approximate locations of the Events described in 1st Kings 18-19.

A short synopsis of the events are

  1. Elijah hides in Cherith Ravine after telling Ahab it would no longer not rain until Elijah asked God for rain and Ahab repented. 1st Kings 17:3
  2. (Not marked) The stream at Cherith dried up and Elijah went to a Widow in Zarephath near the shore of the sea. 1st Kings 17:9
  3. Elijah and Ahab meet at Mount Carmel after 3.5 years drought with no rain. There Elijah faces off the worshipers of Baal and calls fire down from God. This excites the people to listen to Elijah who calls for the death of all the Baal priests. 1st Kings 18:38
  4. Elijah leaves Mount Carmel and outruns Ahab on foot various Ahab's chariot the ~12 miles to Jezrel. They were also trying to outrun a massive storming that was coming inland from the Mediterranean Sea. 1st Kings 18:46 
  5. Elijah the fleed Jezebel the queen who was in Jezerel and went to Beersheba in Judah. 1st Kings 19:3
  6. Elijah went 1 day journey south into the desert and sat under a Juniper tree. Here an angel came and brought food and water to Elijah to give him rest and strength him. 1st Kings - 19:5
  7. Elijah journeyed to Mount Horeb (Mount Sinai) in Egypt for 40 days through the desert. Here he listened for and hear the voice of God. 1st Kings 19:8
In the remainder of the lesson we will examine how do we learn from Elijah's life and live more zealously be more strongly under the power the God provides us.  More importantly, do we really even want this and are we prepared for what it entails? 
Are we seeking for God to purify and test us? 

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